So I'm not sure how many of our readers (and you are appreciated) would consider investing in real estate outside of the immediate area where they live. But if you do, or if you are wondering where we rank, these things are ranked. Bigger Pockets has the background, etc.
But if you just want to see the rankings (Detroit is Medium Risk):
Low Risk
Score range: 6 to 10
| Medium Risk
Score range: 3 to 5
| Speculative
Score range: 1 to 2
| Dangerous
Score range: -10 to 0
Abilene, TX 6 | Akron, OH 4 | Albany, NY 2 | Anniston-Oxford, AL -1 |
Ann Arbor, MI 8 | Albuquerque, NM 4 | Albany, GA 1 | Atlantic City, NJ -3 |
Atlanta, GA 6 | Allentown, PA 2 | Alexandria, LA 1 | Bangor, ME -1 |
Austin, TX 8 | Amarillo, TX 3 | Altoona, PA 1 | Dalton, GA 0 |
Bakersfield, CA 6 | Anchorage, AK 5 | Augusta, GA 2 | Decatur, IL -4 |
Baton Rouge, LA 6 | Appleton, WI 4 | Beaumont, TX 1 | Huntington, OH 0 |
Billings, MT 8 | Asheville, NC 3 | Binghamton, NY 1 | Lima, OH -1 |
Bismarck, ND 10 | Athens, GA 4 | Bloomington-Normal, IL 2 | Johnstown, PA -1 |
Boise, ID 8 | Auburn, AL 5 | Bloomington, IN 2 | Kingston, NY -2 |
Boston, MA 6 | Baltimore, MD 3 | Bridgeport, CT 2 | Mansfield, OH -5 |
Boulder, CO 6 | Barnstable Town, MA 3 | Buffalo-NiagaraFalls, NY 1 | Norwich, CT -2 |
Burlington, VT 6 | Battle Creek, MI 3 | Camden, NJ 2 | Providence, RI 0 |
Fort Myers, FL 6 | Bellingham, WA 3 | Charleston, WV 2 | Racine, WI -1 |
Charleston, SC | Bend, OR 3 | Charlottesville, VA 2 | Rockford, IL 0 |
Cheyenne, W Y 6 | Birmingham, AL 3 | Cleveland, OH 2 | Rocky Mount, NC -5 |
Columbus, OH 6 | Blacksburg, VA 4 | Dothan, AL 2 | Saginaw, MI -1 |
Corpus Christi, TX 7 | Bowling Green, KY 3 | Dover, DE 2 | Shreveport, LA -1 |
Dallas, TX 7 | Bremerton, WA 3 | Duluth, MN 2 | Springfield, OH 0 |
Daytona Beach, FL 6 | Brownsville, TX 3 | Gary, IN 2 | Vineland, NJ 0 |
Des Moines, IA 6 | Canton, OH 3 | Glens Falls, NY 1 | |
Denver, CO 6 | Cedar Rapids, IA 5 | Grand Junction, CO 2 | |
Destin, FL 6 | Champaign-Urbana, IL 4 | Gulfport-Biloxi, MS 1 | |
Durham, NC 6 | Charlotte, NC 4 | Hagerstown, MD 2 | |
East Lansing, MI 6 | Chattanooga, TN 3 | Hartford, CT 2 | |
Fargo, ND 6 | Chicago, IL 3 | Hickory, NC 2 | |
Fayetteville, AR 8 | Chico, CA 3 | Huntsville, AL 2 | |
Flagstaff, AZ 7 | Cincinnati, OH 5 | Johnson City, TN 1 | |
Ft. Worth, TX 7 | Clarksville, TN 4 | Joplin, MO 1 | |
Ft. Lauderdale, FL 8 | College Station, TX 5 | Kingsport, TN 2 | |
Gainesville, FL 6 | Colorado Springs, CO 4 | Lake County, IL 2 | |
Gainesville, GA 6 | Columbia, MO 5 | Marietta, WV 2 | |
Grand Rapids, MI 6 | Columbia, SC 3 | Medford, OR 2 | |
Grand Forks, ND 7 | Columbus, GA 3 | Milwaukee, WI 2 | |
Holland, MI 6 | Davenport, IA 4 | Montgomery, AL 2 | |
Thibodaux, LA 6 | Dayton, OH 4 | Muncie, IN 2 | |
Houston, TX 7 | Decatur, AL 3 | Myrtle Beach, SC 1 | |
Ithaca, NY 7 | Detroit, MI 3 | Newark, NJ 2 | |
Jonesboro, AR 6 | Dubuque, IA 5 | New Haven, CT 2 | |
Killeen-Ft. Hood, TX 6 | Eau Claire, WI 4 | New York-Jersey City NY 2 | |
Knoxville, TN 6 | Edison, NJ 3 | Benton Harbor, MI 1 | |
Lafayette, LA 8 | El Paso, TX 4 | Poughkeepsie, NY 2 | |
Lake Charles, LA 6 | Elkhart, IN 5 | Portland, ME 2 | |
Lexington, KY 6 | Erie, PA 3 | Pueblo, CO 2 | |
Laredo, TX 6 | Eugene, OR 5 | Sheboygan, WI 2 | |
Lubbock, TX 6 | Evansville, KY 3 | South Bend, IN 2 | |
Las Vegas, NV 8 | Fayetteville, NC 4 | Springfield, MA 1 | |
Merced, CA 6 | Flint, MI 3 | St. Louis, MO 2 | |
Miami, FL 7 | Florence, SC 5 | Syracuse, NY 2 | |
Minneapolis, MN 6 | Florence, AL 6 | Texarkana, TX-AR 2 | |
Midland, TX 10 | Ft. Collins, CO 7 | Toledo, OH 1 | |
Modesto, CA 6 | Ft. Wayne, IN 6 | Utica, NY 2 | |
Morgantown, WV 6 | Ft. Smith, AR 3 | Wheeling, WV 2 | |
Napa, CA 9 | Fresno, CA 4 | Williamsport, PA 2 | |
Naples, FL 7 | Greeley, CO 5 | Winston-Salem, NC 1 | |
Nashville, TN 6 | Green Bay, WI 5 | York, PA 2 | |
New Orleans, LA 6 | Greensboro, NC 3 | Youngstown, OH 1 | |
Oakland, CA 7 | Greenville, NC 4 | ||
Ocala, FL 4 | Greenville, SC 3 | ||
Odessa, TX 10 | Harrisburg, PA 3 | ||
Ogden, UT 7 | Hattiesburg, MS 4 | ||
Oklahoma City, OK 7 | Honolulu, HI 5 | ||
Orlando, FL 7 | Indianapolis, IN 5 | ||
Peabody, MA 6 | Iowa City, IA 5 | ||
Pensacola, FL 7 | Jackson, MI 3 | ||
Phoenix, AZ 8 | Jackson, MS 3 | ||
Port St. Lucie, FL 6 | Jackson, TN 5 | ||
Prescott, AZ 6 | Jacksonville, FL 4 | ||
Provo, UT 7 | Janesville, WI 3 | ||
Reno, NV 7 | Kalamazoo, MI 4 | ||
Sacramento, CA 6 | Kansas City, MO 3 | ||
Salt Lake City, UT 7 | Kennewick, WA 4 | ||
San Antonio, TX 7 | LaCrosse, WI 5 | ||
San Francisco, CA 8 | Lafayette, IN 4 | ||
San Jose, CA 7 | Lake Havasu City, AZ 3 | ||
San Luis Obispo, CA 9 | Lakeland, FL 3 | ||
Santa Ana, CA 8 | Lancaster, PA 4 | ||
Santa Cruz, CA 7 | Las Cruces, NM 4 | ||
Santa Rosa, CA 7 | Lincoln, NE 5 | ||
Sarasota, FL 7 | Little Rock, AR 5 | ||
Seattle, WA 6 | Longview, TX 5 | ||
Silver Spring, MD 6 | Los Angeles, CA 5 | ||
Sioux City, SD 6 | Louisville, KY 5 | ||
Springfield, MO 6 | Lynchburg, VA 5 | ||
St. George, UT 6 | Macon, GA 3 | ||
Stockton, CA 6 | Madison, WI 5 | ||
Tuscaloosa, AL 6 | Manchester, NH 3 | ||
Tucson, AZ 6 | McAllen, TX 4 | ||
Tulsa, OK 6 | Memphis, TN 3 | ||
Vallejo, CA 7 | Missoula, MT 5 | ||
Waco, TX 6 | Mobile, AL 3 | ||
Warren, MI 7 | Monroe, LA 5 | ||
Washington DC 6 | Muskegon, MI 4 | ||
West Palm Beach, FL 7 | Nassau, NY 4 | ||
Winchester, VA 6 | White Plains, NY 3 | ||
Olympia, WA 4 | |||
Omaha, NE 5 | |||
Oshkosh, WI 4 | |||
Oxnard, CA 5 | |||
Palm Bay, FL 5 | |||
Panama City, FL 3 | |||
Pascagoula, MS 5 | |||
Peoria, IL 3 | |||
Philadelphia, PA 4 | |||
Pittsburgh, PA 5 | |||
Portland, OR 4 | |||
Raleigh, NC 4 | |||
Rapid City, SD 5 | |||
Reading, PA 3 | |||
Redding, CA 4 | |||
Richmond, VA 3 | |||
Riverside, CA 3 | |||
Rochester, MN 5 | |||
Roanoke, VA 3 | |||
Rochester, NY 4 | |||
Salem, OR 4 | |||
St. Cloud, MN 4 | |||
Salisbury, MD 3 | |||
Salinas, CA 5 | |||
San Diego, CA 5 | |||
Santa Barbara, CA 5 | |||
Santa Fe, NM 4 | |||
Savannah, GA 4 | |||
Scranton, PA 3 | |||
Spokane, WA 3 | |||
Springfield, IL 5 | |||
St. Joseph, MO 3 | |||
State College, PA 5 | |||
Tacoma, WA 4 | |||
Tallahassee, FL 3 |
Here is the actual link:
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